01/21/24 Club Meeting
Tim - I can no longer continue to match direct steel AND uspsa march-oct. Need someone to step up and MD one of the monthly matches to spread the work load. Brent committed to run the 2nd match. Will train and do a practice run for Feb Steel match. Bill - Mary will try and help when available for STEEL only matches.
Steel - keep matches all 12 months. Same time, same fee, same schedule. Keep all SCSA stages, no outlaw stages. Steel paint for winter. Discussed outline of blue vs complete blue paint. More efficient to have 1 color vs 2. Club will stockpile blue for winter/snow matches.
USPSA - keep matches Mar-Oct. No major matches, just club level 5 field + 1 classifier. Substitute JULY uspsa match for an outlaw 2 gun (1 gun optional divisions). Same time, same fee, same day of set up format. Stages - liked the ones pulled from online archive, keep that going like last year.
Treasurer - club sitting good $, no major purchases needed. Will hold off for a year to see where FWP grant for the range goes. Once solidified, would like to purchase a shed/sign in shack, pre fab design to locate up by the pistol bays.
No need for an official pre season fix it day, equipment all in decent shape for now. If needed can plan something when we have warmer weather.
Roto hammers working great for set up. Ravi - to come up with a nail PULLING tool design, slide hammer? Something to speed up tear down, better than just crowbars.
Stands - club purchased 15 new stands from brownells. lighter than the old rusty steel bases. Will test on a stage this year and see how the hold up. Possibility of replace old heavy stands if the new ones hold up.
Membership - keep at $40 a year / family.
Decided to purchase 5x 10" round plates, and moving 5 bases and sticks specifically for the practice shed. Asked about texas star, club declined allowing public use of it.
Practices - same as last year, nothing official. Any new shooter interest will be steered to Mike Vandam and he will work into his schedule to meet with them.
Thank you to everyone that showed up and voiced their opinions !
Mail Chimp
EMAILS: Trying out MAILCHIMP as a email service to send emails out to those that dont regularly check FB or the website. This will help with important updates, as well as monthly match reminders.
Check your junk folders. It should show from
If you didnt get an email and WANT to be on the email list, shoot it to me in a message or shoot an email to asking to be added.
Club Meeting Notes
STEEL CHALLENGE: Continue with 12 steel matches a year but making 10/15/23 steel an outlaw format with the possibility of double tap steel, optional divisions, higher round count stages. Also, with the monthly SCSA matches, incorporating some of the west coast steel stages (still following typical SCSA format). Set up will continue to be match day 1 hour prior to shooters meeting, with no discount. SET UP HELP EXPECTED (summer - set up 9am, registration 930am, shooters meeting 10am. Winter schedule add 1 hour for weather and snow removal (10am / 1030am / 11am)
USPSA: Continue with Mar-Oct matches but making 8/27/23 USPSA an outlaw format 2 gun, with 1 gun optional division (pcc only, or pistol only?). Continue with 5 field stages, and 1 classifier. Set up will change to be match day 2 hours prior to shooters meeting, with no discount. SET UP HELP EXPECTED. Set up 8am, registration 930am, shooters meeting 10am.
NO large format match this year (mayhem, NRS, etc). Focus on monthly club matches, new shooters, and set up help.
SET UP: Discussed in length. Day of for steel working great. Do the same for USPSA to eliminate burning up both days. Most people think set up is optional and don't think they need to help. We need to change this perspective so that people know it is EXPECT from ALL shooters. This is a volunteer sport, if you want it to continue - STEP UP, HELP OUT! Also moving to the day of set up, we can lean on ALL shooters that show up to shoot, to help set up as well. Will set out a sign up clipboard, and explain that we want all shooters to volunteer to help with at least 3 matches a year, this will help split up the workload.
Match Fees - Keep as is - Steel $20 1st entry, $10 2nd. USPSA keep at $20, limited to 1 entry only, no set up discount.
Membership fees - keep as is, $40 family.
Practice / new shooter introduction - Contact Mike Mike VanDam - normally Sundays. Typical uspsa/steel stages and format.
Fix It Day - We need a small work day to repair current walls, props, clean and organize shed for the upcoming 2023 season. Will get any materials ahead of time and have a list of items ready to handle. Selected 3/18/23
Stages - Steel, will incorporate some West Coast stages, with the normal SCSA stages. USPSA - March we will pull from archives. April forward will either pull from archives, search online databases, or draw new if people want to try. Practisim program? For anyone wishing to check it out
Match help - While we cant force everyone to become an RO, we can lean on people to learn and be able to use Practiscore / nooks. Links for online tutorials: